Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 78

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 78

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 78

Analysis of the position of the environment in Islamic mysticism (based on the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry)

Asghar Taremi (Author in Charge), Mehdi Fayyaz


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The emergence of massive environmental crises is one of the great challenges facing the contemporary era that has endangered the lives of humans and other living things on the planet. The root of these challenges must be sought in the worldview and attitude of human beings towards existence. Because how humans treat each other and the natural world is influenced by thoughts, ideologies and worldviews. This study tries to design and explain the epistemological system and worldview of Iranian-Islamic mysticism in relation to the environment based on the most important works of Persian mystical poetry.

METHODOLOGY: This research is one of the interdisciplinary studies that will study the position of the environment in the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry from the Sanai era to the Jami period in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library studies.

FINDINGS: A study of the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry, especially in the poetry of mystical poets such as Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Shabestari and Jami, shows that God-centeredness, belief in the coherence and order of the universe, the good system, the mirror and verse of the universe, the rule of action and reaction, the secret of love in existence, life and perception of the universe, and sufficiency are the main foundations of Islamic mystics" view of the environment.

CONCLUSION: The worldview of Islamic mystics based on religious teachings is full of epistemological views of nature and the environment. Mystical literature, especially mystical poetry, is the best container for reflecting the feelings and thoughts of Islamic mystics towards nature and the environment. The analysis of the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry indicates that the system of beliefs, thoughts, speech and practical behavior of Islamic mystics is rich in respect, reverence, love and affection for nature and its manifestations. Iranian-Islamic mysticism, based on its intellectual foundations, is based on principles that can change the way people think and think about the environment and regulate their behavior towards it. Patterns based on the system of mystical beliefs can replace humanism, individualism, absolutism, segregation, the morphological, mechanical, and objective view of the world, and make fundamental changes in its relationship to nature.

Environment , Islamic mysticism , mystical poetry , nature

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